The Cathartic Power of Writing and Blogging

Are you waiting for some life event to free up your writing?

Man thinking on a train journey.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I try to be smart about what I talk about online – in effect, when I’m blogging or tweeting or whatever, since that’s all I seem to do online anymore. I’ve gotten a little more free with my sharing things of a more personal nature, to give you a better look at who I am and what I’m all about. I can respect that people want that from what they’re reading, especially in this world we have found ourselves in where the large paradigm is a reality-driven backlash against the deluge of fiction that chained us to the couches in past decades. I get that, and I’ll serve it up in spades, but it’s not the easiest thing to do, especially when I might be concerned about some of this coming back and biting me right where it hurts someday.

Sometimes I just tell myself I’m being a little too cautious, and I just throw it right over my shoulder – let the wind spread that where it will. Sometimes I know better, and I keep it tight. On occasion, I’ll “can of worms” something – I got that term from Writing Excuses, my favorite podcast – and I save it for a certain unspecified time in the future once I have determined that putting it out there will do no harm. Think of it as currently classified material.

English: thinking
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is the thing – in the realm of nonfiction, bloggers have a responsibility to be truthful insofar as it’s possible, but when it’s not specified as nonfiction, then my dear Constant Readers – you don’t know for sure if we’re telling the truth or not. Your readers don’t know for sure if you’re telling the truth or not. Unless it strikes a definite chord of unreality, it either creates a sense of suspicion that it’s fiction or an absolute trust that what you’re saying is “true story”. However, I’ve skipped over all the cloak-and-daggery thinking in the writing of the material on this blog, except in those posts that are tagged and/or categorized as “fiction” of some stripe. You get me? And you just have to trust that it’s real to my point of view. That sharing, on my part, is an unspoken trust in you, and you respond in kind by being awesome readers, and I really like that about you.

That being said, there are very few subjects which have inspired trepidation at the thought of publishing them. I wouldn’t call it fear as such or nervousness when it comes to hitting that “publish” button, because by the time I have started writing the post, I have already made up my mind that it’s going to be written and published and that’s all there is to it. Whether or not it’s a good idea. . . I leave that judgement to the anals of history.

You know what? That makes me a historian.

The one post – the one – that I debated amongst the peers rattling around in this can of worms that I call “my nugget” but really is a metaphor for the human skull that protects this powerhouse-nuclear grey matter is the one called Surfer Rob’s outlook on addiction. I never really thought I was going to make that information public, but then there came a moment when I realized that I was definitely going to. Not only that, but:

  1. it’s okay to be human
  2. it makes a great story
  3. it gives me something to write truthfully about
  4. I’m finally over and well past that set of events
  5. I have forgiven my ex-girlfriend for everything and have come to a place where I’m okay with the fact that those things happened to me, which goes back to my “no regrets” policy.
Awesome In Three Dimensions
(Photo credit: aphasiafilms)

So having realized that fistful of reasons, I was already in a pretty good place when I started writing that post because just those five things actuated the long-awaited catharsis I had sought since the initial provocation of those events; and now that I have analyzed the sudden lightness of my spirit of late, it makes me wonder if there’s more that I can get off my chest —

I just have to be careful about what and when, you feel me?

What do you think? Is there information that you’re holding back from your blog or your writing, and if so why? Since you’re not saying this on your blog, there’s a good chance that you can say it freely here without being found out, if you catch my wave.

(I admit it – sometimes I’ll say things in comments on other blogs that I won’t say here!)

This post was prompted by today’s Daily Post prompt.

18 thoughts on “The Cathartic Power of Writing and Blogging

  1. Yes. There are, indeed, things I do not divulge on my blog – and there is a reason for this. I come across as being very open, but some things have to be kept confidential. Alienora

  2. I remember your post, Rob. It was courageous and powerful.
    I have shared my problems with depression in my blog and I’m not sure about it.

  3. I think it’s very brave to be open and honest about your life, and I try to do that. I have to draw the line when something that happened to me also involves someone else, who may not want me to share the experience.

  4. Great post = smiling Jack … er Pat. 😉

    Totally dig it. And you.

    The truth will out itself in the end – but in the mean time, we protect and play as best we can, given the circumstances. Safety is a priority. And who is to say that “the truths – our truths” need to be vocalized here – in the now – the distance of the ephemeral internet? ?

    It will happen when it is meant to happen and where and how it is meant to unfold.

    Strength comes from courage and hope, faith and intuitive knowing. It is especially liberating, even if only to oneself, to understand a life lesson, truly accept it – and move on.


    1. It should definitely come out in natural flow, for sure. I like how writing it helped me understand it better, I think that’s the thing I was missing for a long time – I mean, just because you write it doesn’t mean you have to publish it!

Feel free to share your thoughts!