Daily Haiku 2014.04.29 —

White Dandelion
(Image credit: Redbull Trinker @ Flickr)


dandelion —
hold fast the children
in grass walls


“Daddy! Kokkar!”

This is what my daughter said to me last night, a wondrous look on her face as she held up a part of a graham cracker for me to see. I had just gotten home and was sorting out the weekend’s receipts for entry into the ledger. The mere fact of the cracker’s existence is but a dust mote in the mind of an adult, but my daughter is approaching two years old and so it is hers; and she wants to show it to me and let me know it’s hers because she’s proud of it.

And it’s priceless.

18 thoughts on “Daily Haiku 2014.04.29 —

  1. How awesome when they come running with something to say ! =) =) Enjoy this magical time with your little bunny… ! Love the haiku as well…

      1. Does she say her name yet ?! I LOVE when they discover who they are, and start referring to themselves in the 3rd person… used to make me laugh out loud ! =)

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